Monday, November 3, 2008

The value of the Jerusalem Declaration?

Here is the Jerusalem Declaration (of GAFCON) clause 7:

We recognise that God has called and gifted bishops, priests and deacons in historic succession to equip all the people of God for their ministry in the world. We uphold the classic Anglican Ordinal as an authoritative standard of clerical orders.

Here is the 'classic Anglican Ordinal' on deacons duties:

"to assist the Priest in Divine Service, and specially when he ministereth the holy Communion, and to help him in the distribution thereof, and to read holy Scriptures ...'

Difficult to see where presiding at Communion is specified there.

So, in the light of Sydney's approval of diaconal presidency, what is the status of the Jerusalem Declaration? Is it authoritative? Is it a 'pick and choose' document?

We really need some guidance here! And soon, because the non-conservative Anglican world is bemused by what conservatives are up to; or just laughing at us!

PS After I wrote the above, I noticed this thread on Fulcrum in which the point I am trying to make is also made.

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